To use OASIS3-MCT to set up your coupled application, you have to follow these steps:
- Obtain OASIS3-MCT sources by filling the registration form; this will give you all instructions on how to download OASIS3-MCT sources and examples.To compile OASIS3-MCT, please see the User Guide, section 6.1.
- To start playing with OASIS3-MCT, compile and run the tutorial toy model, which sources can be found in oasis3-mct/examples/tutorial. Instructions on how to compile OASIS3-MCT and run the tutorial can be found in the README and in the document tutorial.pdf. Do not hesitate to have a deeper look at tutorial model1.F90 and model2.F90 sources to understand how to interface a component model with OASIS3-MCT
- The next step is to adapt the tutorial toy model so that it reproduces your coupling algorithm, i.e. the sequenceof coupling exchanges that will take place in your real coupled model, using the grids of your real component models. To do so, go over the next steps 4 to 8.
- Identify the numerical grids of your coupled models, i.e. the grids onto which the coupling fields will be sent and received by the source and the target component models. Create a file for each grid (see and with the longitudes, latitudes, corners and areas (if conservative interpolation is needed) and the mask of the grid. The corresponding files, will be created by the models during the run, see the User Guide for more details on these files.
- Identify the coupling fields to be exchanged between your component models and their sequence of the exchanges. Adapt the sources of model1.F90 and model2.F90 so that they reproduce the coupling exchanges of your coupled model. For more details on how to interface a model with OASIS3-MCT coupling library interface see the User Guide.
- If coupling restart files are needed for your coupled algorithm, build these files following indications provided in the User Guide. More information on the restart concept can be found in the User Guide.
- Define all coupling parameters and the transformation required to adapt each coupling field from its source model grid to its target model grid ; see the User Guide for details about the transformations available. On this basis, prepare the OASIS3-MCT configuration file namcouple as detailed in the User Guide.
- Compile OASIS3-MCT, the component models and run your toy coupled experiment.
- Before interfacing your real component models with OASIS3-MCT, it is recommended to test off-line the quality of the chosen transformations with your grids (using, and, in the test_interpolation environment which sources can be found in oasis3-mct/examples/test_interpolation.
- Now that you fully understand how to interface your component models with OASIS3-MCT and that you have checked the quality of the OASIS3-MCT transformations when applied to your grids, you are ready to proceed to the implementation of your coupled system repeating steps 4. to 8. with your real component models.