The OASIS Coupler Un site utilisant Réseau Cerfacs

Papers on coupled models using the OASIS coupler since 1995

  • Pankaj Kumar,Subrat Mallick,Alok Kumar Mishra,Aditya Kumar Dubey,Gaurav Tiwari,Dimitry V. Sein,William Cabos,Daniela Jacob (2022) : Regional Earth System Model for CORDEX-South Asia: a comparative assessment of RESM and ESM over the tropical Indian Ocean, International Journal of Climatology (doi : (PDF)
  • Kaffas, K., Papaioannou, G., Varlas, G., Al Sayah, M.J., Papadopoulos, A., Dimitriou, E., Katsafados, P., and Righetti, M.: Forecasting Soil Erosion and Sediment Yields During Flash Floods: The Disastrous Case of Mandra, Greece, 2017. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 1–17 (doi:
  • Huot, PV., Kittel, C., Fichefet, T., Jourdain, N. C., Fettweis, X. (2022). Effects of ocean mesoscale eddies on atmosphere–sea ice–ocean interactions off Adélie Land, East Antarctica. Climate Dynamics (doi:
  • Papaioannou, G., Varlas, G., Papadopoulos, A., Loukas, A., Katsafados, P., and Dimitriou, E. (2021) Investigating sea-state effects on flash flood hydrograph and inundation forecasting. Hydrological Processes, 35(4), e14151 (doi:
  • Varlas, G., Marinou, E., Gialitaki, A., Siomos, N., Tsarpalis, K., Kalivitis, N., Solomos, S., Tsekeri, A., Spyrou, C., Tsichla, M., Kampouri, A., Vervatis, V., Giannakaki, E., Amiridis, V., Mihalopoulos, N., Papadopoulos, A., and Katsafados, P. (2021). Assessing sea-state effects on sea-salt aerosol modeling in the lower atmosphere using lidar and in-situ measurements. Remote Sensing, 13(4), 614 (doi:
  • Lemarié, F., Samson, G., Redelsperger, J.-L., Giordani, H., Brivoal, T. and Madec G. (2021) A simplified atmospheric boundary layer model for an improved representation of air–sea interactions in eddying oceanic models: implementation and first evaluation in NEMO (4.0). Geoscientific Model Development, (doi:
  • Varlas, G., Vervatis, V., Spyrou, C., Papadopoulou, E., Papadopoulos, A., & Katsafados, P. (2020). Investigating the impact of atmosphere-wave-ocean interactions on a Mediterranean tropical-like cyclone. Ocean Modelling, 101675, (doi:
  • Spyrou, C., Varlas, G., Pappa, A., Mentzafou, A., Katsafados, P., Papadopoulos, A., Anagnostou, M. N., & Kalogiros, J. (2020). Implementation of a Nowcasting Hydrometeorological System for Studying Flash Flood Events: The Case of Mandra, Greece. Remote Sensing, 12(17), 2784, (doi:
  • Varlas, G., Spyrou, C., Papadopoulos, A., Korres, G., & Katsafados, P. (2020). One-year assessment of the CHAOS two-way coupled atmosphere-ocean wave modelling system over the Mediterranean and Black Seas. Mediterranean Marine Science, 21(2), 372-385, (doi:
  • Bao, Y., Song, Z. (2020) FIO‐ESM Version 2.0: Model Description and Evaluation, JGR Oceans, 125(6), e2019JC016036, (doi:
  • Couvelard, X., Lemarié, F., Samson, G., Redelsperger, J.L., Ardhuin, F., Benshila, R and Madec G. (2020). Development of a 2-way coupled ocean-wave model: assessment on a global NEMO(v3.6)-WW3(v6.02) coupled configuration, Geosci. Model Dev., 13, pp. 3067–3090, (doi:
  • Varlas, G., Anagnostou, M., Spyrou, C., Papadopoulos, A., Kalogiros, J., Mentzafou, A., & Katsafados, P. (2019). A multi-platform hydrometeorological analysis of the flash flood event of 15 November 2017 in Attica, Greece. Remote Sensing, 11(1), 45, (doi:
  • Varlas, G., Katsafados, P., Papadopoulos, A., & Korres, G. (2018). Implementation of a two-way coupled atmosphere-ocean wave modeling system for assessing air-sea interaction over the Mediterranean Sea. Atmospheric Research, 208, 201-217, (doi:
  • Katsafados, P., Varlas, G., Papadopoulos, A., Spyrou, C., & Korres, G. (2018). Assessing the implicit rain impact on sea state during hurricane Sandy (2012). Geophysical Research Letters, 45(21), 12-015, (doi:
  • Vladimir V. Kalmykov , Rashit A. Ibrayev , Maxim N. Kaurkin , and Konstantin V. Ushakov (2018) : Compact Modeling Framework v3.0 for high-resolution global ocean–ice–atmosphere models, Geosci. Model Dev., 11, 3983–3997, (doi:
  • Varlas, G. (2017). Development of an integrated modeling system for simulating the air-ocean wave interactions. Doctoral dissertation, Harokopio University of Athens, Greece, (available online at:
  • P. Shrestha, M. Sulis, M. Masbou, S. Kollet, and C. Simmer, 2014: A Scale-Consistent Terrestrial Systems Modeling Platform Based on COSMO, CLM, and ParFlow. Mon. Wea. Rev., 142, 3466–3483, (doi:
  • Florence Sevault, Samuel Somot, Antoinette Alias, Clotilde Dubois, Cindy Lebeaupin-Brossier, Pierre Nabat, Fanny Adloff, Michel Déqué, Bertrand Decharme, 2014: A fully coupled Mediterranean regional climate system model: design and evaluation of the ocean component for the 1980-2012 period. Tellus A 2014, 66, 23967, (doi:
  • L. C. Hirons, N. P. Klingaman, and S. J. Woolnough (2014) : MetUM-GOML: a near-globally coupled atmosphere–ocean-mixed-layer model, (doi:
  • F. Gasper, K. Goergen, S. Kollet, P. Shrestha, M. Sulis, J. Rihani, and M. Geimer (2014) Implementation and scaling of the fully coupled Terrestrial Systems Modeling Platform (TerrSysMP) in a massively parallel supercomputing environment – a case study on JUQUEEN (IBM Blue Gene/Q), (doi:
  • Akhtar, N., J. Brauch, A. Dobler, K. Berenger, B. Ahrens (2014) : Medicanes in an ocean-atmosphere coupled regional climate model. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 14, 2189-2201, (doi:
  • Pham T.V., J. Brauch, C. Dieterich, B. Früh, B. Ahrens (2014): New coupled atmosphere-ocean-ice system COSMO-CLM/NEMO: On the air temperature sensitivity on the North and Baltic Seas. Oceanologia, 56(2), 167-189, (doi:
  • Van Noije, T. P. C., Le Sager, P., Segers, A. J., van Velthoven, P. F. J., Krol, M. C., Hazeleger, W., Williams, A. G., and Chambers, S. D. (2014) : Simulation of tropospheric chemistry and aerosols with the climate model EC-Earth, Geosci. Model Dev. Discuss., 7, 1933-2006, (doi:
  • Blunden and Derek S. Arndt, (2014): State of the Climate in 2013. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 95, S1–S279, (Document)
  • Giorgetta, M., Jungclaus,J., Reick, C., Legutke, S., Bader, J., Böttinger, M., Brovkin, V., Crueger, T., Esch, M., Fieg, K., Glushak, K., Gayler, V., Haak, H., Hollweg, H.-D., Ilyina, T., Kinne, S., Kornblueh, L., Matei, D., Mauritsen, T., Mikolajewicz, U., Mueller, W., Notz, D., Pithan, F., Raddatz, T., Rast, S., Redler, R., Roeckner, E., Schmidt, H., Schnur, R., Segschneider, J., Six, K., Stockhause, M., Timmreck, C., Wegner, J., Widmann, H., Wieners, K.-H., Claussen, M., Marotzke, J., Stevens, B. (2013): Climate and carbon cycle changes from 1850 to 2100 in MPI-ESM simulations for the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase 5,  Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, (doi:
  • A. Inness and al. (2013) : The MACC reanalysis: an 8 yr data set of atmospheric composition, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 13, 4073–4109, (doi:
  • Hazeleger, W., X. Wang, C. Severijns, S. Ştefănescu, R. Bintanja, A. Sterl, K. Wyser, T. Semmler, S. Yang, B. van den Hurk, T. van Noije, E. van der Linden, and K. van den Wiel (2012). EC-Earth V2: description and validation of a new seamless Earth system prediction model.Clim. Dyn., 39, 2611-2629, (doi:
  • Sterl, A., R. Bintanja, L. Brodeau, E. Gleeson, T. Koenigk, T. Schmith, T. Semmler, C. Severijns, K. Wyser, and S. Yang (2012). A look at the ocean in the EC-Earth climate model. Clim. Dyn., 39, 2631-2657, (doi:
  • P.Drobinski, A. Anav, C. Lebeaupin Brossier, G. Samson, M. Stéfanon, S. Bastin, M. Baklouti, K. Béranger, J. Beuvier, R. Bourdallé-Badie, L. Coquart, F. D’Andrea, N. de Noblet-Ducoudré, F. Diaz, J.-C. Dutay, C. Ethe, M.-A. Foujols, D. Khvorostyanov, G. Madec, M. Mancip, S. Masson, L. Menut, J. Palmieri, J. Polcher, S. Turquety, S. Valcke, N. Viovy, , 2012, Environmental Modelling and Software: Model of the Regional Coupled Earth System (MORCE): application to process and climate studies in vulnerable regions, (doi:
  • A. Voldoire, E. Sanchez-Gomez, D. Salas y Mélia, B. Decharme, C. Cassou, S. Sénési, S. Valcke, I. Beau, A. Alias, M. Chevallier, M. Déqué, J. Deshayes, H. Douville, E. Fernandez, G. Madec, E. Maisonnave, M.-P. Moine, S. Planton, D. Saint-Martin, S. Szopa, S. Tyteca, R. Alkama, S. Belamari, A. Braun, L. Coquart, F. Chauvin, 2012: The CNRM-CM5.1 global climate model: description and basic evaluation, Climate Dynamics, (doi:
  • V. Huijnen1 and al., 2012 : Hindcast experiments of tropospheric composition during the summer 2010 fires over western Russia, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 12, 4341–4364, (doi:
  • S.-W. Yeh, B. P. Kirtman, J.-S. Kug, W. Park, M. Latif, 2011: Natural variability of the central Pacific El Nino event on multi-centennial timescales. Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 38, L02704, (doi:
  • A. Alessandri, A. Borrelli, A. Navarra, A. Arribas, M. Déqué, P. Rogel, A. Weisheimer, 2011: Evaluation of probabilistic quality and value of the ENSEMBLES multi-model seasonal forecasts: comparison with DEMETER, American Meteorological Society, Vol. 139, (doi:
  • E. Scoccimarro et al., August 2011, Effects of Tropical Cyclones on Ocean Heat Transport in a High Resolution Coupled General Circulation model, Journal of Climate, (doi:
  • Flemming, J., Inness, A., Jones, L., Eskes, H. J., Huijnen, V., Schultz, M. G., Stein, O., Cariolle, D., Kinnison, D., and Brasseur, G. (2011): Forecasts and assimilation experiments of the Antarctic ozone hole 2008, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 11, 1961-1977, (doi:
  • Wilco Hazeleger, Camiel Severijns, Tido Semmler, Simona Ştefănescu, Shuting Yang, Xueli Wang, Klaus Wyser, Emanuel Dutra, José M. Baldasano, Richard Bintanja, Philippe Bougeault, Rodrigo Caballero, Annica M.L. Ekman, Jens H. Christensen, Bart van den Hurk, Pedro Jimenez, Colin Jones, Per Kållberg, Torben Koenigk, Ray McGrath, Pedro Miranda, Twan Van Noije, Tim Palmer, José A. Parodi, Torben Schmith, Frank Selten, Trude Storelvmo, Andreas Sterl, Honoré Tapamo, Martin Vancoppenolle, Pedro Viterbo, Ulrika Willén (2010). EC-Earth: A Seamless Earth-System Prediction Approach in Action. BAMS, 91, (2010), 1357-1363, (doi:
  • W. Park, M. Latif, 2010: Pacific and Atlantic multidecadal variability in the Kiel Climate model. Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 37, L24702, (doi:
  • B. Schneider, G. Leduc, W. Park, 2010: Disentangling seasonal signals in Holocene climate trends by satellite-model-proxy integration, Paleoceanography, Vol. 25, PA4217, (doi:
  • O. Marti, P. Braconnot, J.-L. Dufresne, J. Bellier, R. Benshila, S. Bony, P. Brockmann, P. Cadule, A. Caubel, F. Codron, N. de Noblet, S. Denvil, L. Fairhead,  T. Fichefet, M.-A. Foujols, P. Friedlingstein, H. Goosse, J.-Y. Grandpeix, E. Guilyardi, F. Hourdin, G. Krinner, C. Levy, G. Madec, J. Mignot, I. Musat, D. Swingedouw, C. Talandier, 2010: Key features of the IPSL ocean atmosphere model and its sensitivity to atmospheric resolution, Climate Dynamics,  Vol. 34, (doi:
  • W. Park, N. Keenlyside, M. Latif, A. Ströh, R. Redler, E. Roeckner, G Madec, 2009: Tropical Pacific Climate and its Response to Global Warming in the Kiel Climate Model, Journal of Climate, (doi:
  • Flemming, J., Inness, A., Flentje, H., Huijnen, V., Moinat, P., Schultz, M. G., and Stein, O. (2009): Coupling global chemistry transport models to ECMWF’s integrated forecast system, Geosci. Model Dev., 2, 253-265, (doi:
  • C. Cibot, E. Maisonnave, L. terray, B. Dewitte, 2005: Mechanism of tropical Pacific interannual-to-decadal variability in the ARPEGE/ORCA global coupled model, Climate Dynamics, VOL.24, 823-842, (doi:
  • A. Hollingsworth, R.J. Engelen, C. Textor, A. Benedetti, O. Boucher, F. Chevallier, A. Dethof, H. Elbern, H. Eskes, J. Flemming, C. Granier, J.W. Kaiser, J.-J. Morcrette, P. Rayner, V.H. Peuch, L. Rouil, M.G. Schultz, A.J. Simmons, and The GEMS Consortium, 2008: Toward a Monitoring and Forecasting System For Atmospheric Composition: The GEMS Project, B. Am. Meteorol. Soc., 89, 1147–1164, (doi:
  • J.-J. Luo, S. Masson, S. Behera, S. Shingu, T. Yamagata, 2005: Seasonal Climate Predictability in a Coupled OAGCM using a Different Approach for Ensemble Forecasts, Journal of Climate, VOL. 18, pp. 4474-4497, (doi:
  • J.-J. Luo, S. Masson, E. Roeckner, G. Madec, T. Yamagata, 2005: Reducing Climatology Bias in an Ocean-Atmosphere CGCM with improved Coupling Physics, Journal of Climate, VOL. 18, pp. 2344-2360, (doi:
  • T. N. palmer, A. Alessandri, U. Andersen, P. Cantelaube, M. Davey, P. Délécluse, M. Déqué, E. Diez, F. J. Doblas-Reyes, H. Feddersen, R. graham, S. Gualdi, J.-F. Guérémy, R. Hageforn, M. Hoshen, N Keenlyside, M. Latif, A. Lazar, E. Maisonnave, V. Marletto, A. P. Morse, B. Orfila, P. Rogel, J.-M. Terres, M. C. Thomson, 2004: Development of a European Multi-Model Ensemble System for Seasonal to Inter-Annual prediction (DEMETER), Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Vol. 85, pp. 853-872, (doi:
  • J. F. Royer, D. Cariolle, F. Chauvin, M. Déqué, H. Douville, R. M. Hu, S. Planton, A. Rascol, J. L. Ricard, D. Salas y Melia, F. Sevault, P. Simon, S. Tyteca, L. Terray, S. Valcke, 2002: Simulation des changements climatiques au cours du XXI-e siècle incluant l’ozone stratosphérique (Simulation of climate change during the 21st century including stratospheric ozone), Comptes Rendus Geosciences, VOL. 334, Issue 3, pp. 147-154 (doi:
  • P. Barthelet, L. Terray, S. Valcke, 1998: Transient CO2 experiment using the ARPEGE/OPAICE non flux corrected coupled model, Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 25, pp. 2277-2280, (doi:
  • P. Barthelet, S. Bony, P. Braconnot, a. Braun, D. Cariolle, E. Cohen-Solal, J. Dufresne, P. Delecluse, M. Déqué, L. Fairhead, M. Filiberti, M. Forichon, J. Grandpeix, E. Guilyardi, M. Houssais, M. Imbard, H. L. Treut, C. Levy, Z. Li, G. Madec, P. Marquet, O. Marti, S. Planton, L. Terray, O. Thual, S. Valcke, 1998: Simulations couplées globales des changements climatiques associés à une augmentation de la teneur atmosphérique en CO2. Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences, Paris, VOL. 326, pp. 677-684, (doi:
  • C. Cassou, P. Noyret, E. Sevault, O. Thual, L. Terray, D. Beaucourt, M. Imbard, 1998: Distributed Ocean-Atmosphere Modelling and Sensitivity to the Coupling Flux Precision: the CATHODe Project. Monthly Weather Review, 126, No 4: 1035-1053, (doi:<1035:DOAMAS>2.0.CO;2)
  • L. Terray, O. Thual, S. Belamari, M. Déqué, P. Dandin, C. Lévy, P. Delecluse, 1995: Climatology and interannual variability simulated by the arpege-opa model, Climate Dynamics, Vol. 11, (doi:


SPOC on line on OASIS3-MCT from March 21s to April 6th 2022

Please note that a Small Private Online Course (SPOC) on Code Coupling with OASIS3-MCT is planned (on-line) from March 21s to ...

OASIS3-MCT_5.0 official release December 2021

The last version of the coupler, OASIS3-MCT_5.0, is now available ! To get it, please follow instructions at OASIS3- MCT_5.0 comes...

SPOC on line on OASIS3-MCT, April 29 – May 12 2021

A new Small Private Online Course (SPOC) on OASIS3-MCT is planned from April 29 - May 12 2021. Information about next...

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