Within IS-ENES1, personal technical help was proposed to implement new coupled models or improve existing configurations based on the OASIS coupler. IS-ENES2 does explicitly fund such dedicated support but specific help is still possible through contracts established directly with Cerfacs.
The support was provided to 8 different laboratories for the following technical tasks:
- Interfacing new models with OASIS (COSMO atmosphere, CLM land surface…)
- Coupling interface upgrade to OASIS3-MCT
- Interpolation/transformation choices
- High Resolution coupled model optimization (operational configurations, including eddy resolving global ocean …)
- MPP coupled configuration tuning (with up to O(1000) processors, load balancing, OASIS/models synchronization … )
- Regional, global/regional configuration coupling or including zoom
This service excluded the scientific development, tuning, analysis and evaluation of the coupled model components themselves and of the coupled model as a whole.
Provided by Cerfacs, this service was available to any climate research laboratory in Europe.