Within IS-ENES and ESiWACE, personal technical help (Dedicated User Support) was proposed to implement new coupled models or improve existing configurations based on the OASIS coupler. These have been funded by the IS-ENES3 project and the ESiWACE2 Centre of Excellence.
No calls for Dedicated User Support are currently planned.
Past Dedicated User Support offered through ESiWACE2 :
- Maisonnave, E. and Bourdallé-Badie, R. (2022), Coupling NEMO global ocean with hemispheric Arctic and Antarctic ice models, CECI, Université de Toulouse, CNRS, CERFACS, Toulouse, France – Mercator-Océan International – TR-CMGC-22-18, Technical report (PDF)
Past Dedicated User Support offered through IS-ENES3 :
- Maisonnave, E. (2022): OASIS Dedicated Support, 6th annual summary, CECI, Université de Toulouse, CNRS, CERFACS, Toulouse, France – TR-CMGC-22-139, Technical report (PDF)
- Maisonnave, E. & Kjellsson, J., (2021): OASIS Dedicated Support, 5th annual summary , Technical Report, TR/CMGC/21/150, CECI, UMR CERFACS/CNRS No5318, France (PDF)
- Maisonnave, E., (2019): OASIS Dedicated Support, 4th annual summary , Technical Report, TR/CMGC/19/149, CECI, UMR CERFACS/CNRS No5318, France (PDF)