The OASIS3-MCT or OASIS3 trainings previously organised at Cerfacs (Toulouse) or elsewhere:
March 21 – April 6, 2022 :
On-line course (SPOC) on Code Coupling with OASIS3-MCT, 12 participants
April 29 – May 12, 2021 :
On-line course (SPOC) on Code Coupling with OASIS3-MCT, 11 participants
July 6-10, 2020 :
On-line course (SPOC) on Code Coupling with OASIS3-MCT, 10 participants
March 21-22, 2019 : Cerfacs, Toulouse ; 2 days of training on OASIS3-MCT, 3 participants
March 21 : General presentation on OASIS3-MCT, tutorial.
March 22 : Tutorial. Test_interpolation. LUCIA
November 5-6,2018 : BSC, Barcelona ; 2 days of training on OASIS3-MCT, 6 participants
November 5 : General presentation on OASIS3-MCT, tutorial.
November 6 : Tutorial. Test_interpolation. LUCIA
October 18-19, 2018 : 2 days of training on OASIS3-MCT, 7 participants
October 18 : General presentation on OASIS3-MCT, tutorial.
October 19 : Tutorial. Test_interpolation.
March 05-06, 2018 : 2 days of training on OASIS3-MCT, 2 participants
March 05 : General presentation on OASIS3-MCT, GUI, tutorial.
March 06 : Tutorial. Test_interpolation.
August 30-31, 2017 : 2 days of training on OASIS3-MCT, 2 participants
August 30 : General presentation on OASIS3-MCT, GUI, tutorial.
August 31 : Tutorial. Use test_interpolation to check the quality of the interpolations of OASIS3-MCT on the participant’s grids.
January 13-15, 2016 : 3 days of training on OASIS3-MCT, 5 participants
January 13 : General presentation on OASIS3-MCT, GUI, tutorial.
January 14 : Tutorial. Use test_interpolation to check the quality of the interpolations of OASIS3-MCT on the participant’s grids.
January 15 : Compute OASIS3-MCT and the tutorial on the remote platforms of the participants. All the participants were using NEMO3.6. So we explained to them how to compile the model on their computer with XIOS. We also explained the coupling routine cpl_oasis3.F90 to the participants.
May 20-22, 2015 : OASIS training cancelled
December 3-5, 2014 : 3 days of training on OASIS3-MCT, 10 participants
December 3 : General presentation on OASIS3-MCT, GUI, tutorial.
December 4 : Tutorial. Use test_interpolation to check the quality of the interpolations of OASIS3-MCT on the participant’s grids.
December 5 : Compute OASIS3-MCT and the tutorial on the remote platforms of the participants, begin to interface the real models of the participants.
May 21-23, 2014 : 3 days of training on OASIS3-MCT, 9 participants
May 21 : General presentation on OASIS3-MCT, GUI, tutorial.
May 22 : Tutorial. Use test_interpolation to check the quality of the interpolations of OASIS3-MCT on the participant’s grids.
May 23 : Compute OASIS3-MCT and the tutorial on the remote platforms of the participants, begin to interface the real models of the participants.
November, 2013 : OASIS training cancelled
May 22-24, 2013 : 3 days of training on OASIS3-MCT, 6 participants
May 22 : General presentation on OASIS3-MCT, documentation, tutorial
May 23 : Tutorial. Use test_interpolation to check the quality of the interpolations of OASIS3-MCT on the participant’s grids.
May 24 : Compute OASIS3-MCT and the tutorial on the remote platforms of the participants.
March 11-13, 2013 : 3 days of training on OASIS3-MCT at LMD, Paris, 5 participants
November 28-30, 2012 : 3 days of training on OASIS3-MCT, 7 participants
November 28 : General presentation on OASIS3-MCT, documentation, tutorial
November 29 : Tutorial. Use test_interpolation to check the quality of the interpolations of OASIS3-MCT on the participant’s grids.
November 30 : Compute OASIS3-MCT and the tutorial on the remote platforms of the participants. Begin interfacing OASIS3-MCT in the participant’s real coupled models when possible.
May 31 and June 1-2, 2012 : 3 days of training on OASIS3, 9 participants
May 31 (starting at 09h00): General presentation on OASIS3, documentation and tutorial
June 1st : Tutorial
June 2nd : Supervised work on the participants’ coupled model through remote access (via ssh) on their computing platforms.
September 7-9, 2011 : 3 days of training on OASIS3, 8 participants ; description
September 7th (starting at 09h00): General presentation on OASIS3, documentation and tutorial
September 8th : Tutorial
September 9th : Supervised work on the participants’ coupled model through remote access (via ssh) on their computing platforms.
June 7-10, 2010 : 4 days of training on OASIS3, 8 participants
June 7th (starting at 11h00): General presentation on OASIS3 and tutorial
June 8th : Tutorial (see oasis3/examples/tutorial)
June 9th, 10th: Supervised work on the participants’ coupled model through remote access (via ssh) on their computing platforms
January 25-29 2010 : 5 days of training on OASIS3, 6 participants
January 25 th (starting at 10h00): General presentation on OASIS3 and tutorial
June 26th : Tutorial (see oasis3/examples/tutorial)
June 27th, 29th: Supervised work on the participants’ coupled model through remote access (via ssh) on their computing platforms